Acne Treatments

Acne prone skin needs extra care and attention to help heal, hydrate, unclog pores, relieve irritation and move towards optimal skin health.

Acne can affect people in all age groups even though it is still strongly associated with teenagers who suffer from this condition. This skin disease also affects women and men at around the same rates, and it also affects people of every ethnicity.

The naming conditions might be different, which is why you might be familiar with terms like pimples, skin blemishes, pustules, cysts, whiteheads, blackheads, nodules, papules, or zits. These terms are all describing acne in some form. The potential for scarring is a serious concern. Scars on the face can impact a person’s sense of confidence for a lifetime.

Hormone secretion is a key factor in outbreaks of acne. For example, teenage acne is often triggered by the hormonal changes occurring in the body at this time. Women can also experience acne during the hormonal changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. Other factors that might contribute to acne include nutrition, genetics, and stress.


Treating acne can help to prevent the possibility of scars left by these skin blemishes. Untreated acne can produce scars of various shapes, and they might be called pockmarks or ice-pick marks and can have a leave a dark mark called PIH

Fortunately, the demand for effective acne treatments produced a new generation of medicinal treatments. These new products are targeted at reducing infections and inflammation. They are often effective at improving the appearance of the skin while preventing outbreaks in the future. They are effective for teenagers as well as adults, and they are appropriate for any gender.

Other acne treatments for scars or treating the underlying causes are available, and they might include the following:
Light therapy
Laser treatments